Page 67 - EUROFER.indd
P. 67
H.900 mm H.900 mm H.900 x L.70 mm H.900 x L.120 mm H.900 x L.120 mm H.900 x L.120 mm
Art. 07.060 2 x Ø 8 Art. 07.061 2 x Ø 8 Art. 07.062 2 x Ø 8 Art. 07.063 2 x Ø 8 Art. 07.064 2 x Ø 8 Art. 07.065 2 x Ø 8
Tubo Liscio / Tubo Rigato / Tubo Rigato / Tubo Rigato / Tubo Rigato / Tubo Rigato /
Steel Fluted Tube Steel Fluted Tube Steel Fluted Tube Steel Fluted Tube Steel Fluted Tube Steel Fluted Tube
H.1000 mm H.1000 mm H.1000 mm H.1000 mm H.1000 mm H.1000 mm
Art. 07.100 Ø 40 Art. 07.101 Ø 30 Art. 07.102 Ø 30 Art. 07.103 Ø 30 Art. 07.104 Ø 30 Art. 07.105 Ø 30
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